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HEAT + Training

In a previous project in Ethiopia, the HEAT+ research project, training materials were developed to increase awareness among community health workers about intellectual disability and autism. The training materials comprised five short videos and a mental health pocket guide. These materials are open educational resources free to be used or adapted for use elsewhere. Please find these resources reproduced below. The impact of these training materials on community health workers’ beliefs and attitudes towards children with autism is described in Tilahun et al., (2019).

HEAT + Training Materials

Mental Health Pocket Guide for Health Extension Workers

Detecting Intellectual Disability

የአእምሮ ዝግመትን ለይቶ ማወቅ

Supporting a parent of a child with intellectual disability

የአእምሮ ዝግመት ያለበት ልጅ ያለውን ቤተሰብ መርዳት

Detecting Autism 

ኦቲዝምን መለየት

Supporting a parent of a child with autism

ኦትዝም ያለበት ልጅ ያለውን ቤተሰብ መርዳት

Supporting a parent with many social problems

ብዙ ማህበራው ችግሮች ያለባትን (የደረሰባትን) ወላጅ መርዳት

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